As an body of the state media authorities, the Commission for the Protection of Minors in the Media (KJM) examines whether these provisions have been violated and decides on the corresponding consequences for the providers. In principle, the KJM only takes action after a program has been broadcast or distributed. The state media authority that has licensed the broadcaster in question or in whose state the telemedia provider is based implements the measures decided by the KJM (complaints, prohibitions, fines).
As an institution of the state media authorities, the KJM is a pluralistic body whose members are not bound by any instructions when carrying out their work. The preparatory work for the KJM's decision-making in the context of review procedures is carried out by review groups.
When the KJM was founded in 2003, one of its aims was to network the various youth protection institutions. The KJM works closely with the state media authorities and the BzKJ. The nationwide institution is organisationally linked to the KJM and supports it in its tasks in the area of telemedia.
In general, youth media protection involves assessing media content in terms of its potential risk to children and young people and regulating its public distribution. The KJM has the special task of controlling the implementation of the Interstate Treaty on the Protection of Minors in the Media (JMStV). As an institution of the respective state media authority, it supports the authority in fulfilling its tasks.
The main activity of the KJM is to examine violations of the provisions of the JMStV and to decide on measures to be taken against media providers. These measures are then enforced by the state media authorities.
In addition to reviewing broadcasting programs and online offerings, the KJM is also responsible for defining criteria for the certification of technical systems for the protection of minors.
The KJM's central tasks also include strengthening and further developing the system of regulated self-regulation provided for in the JMStV. In this way, the JMStV aims to strengthen the willingness of providers to assume responsibility.
In other words: certified self-regulation organisations are subject to a legally defined decision-making framework within which the KJM has limited investigative powers. If the providers adhere to the stipulations for a certified self-regulation organisation, sanctions are generally only possible if the organisation exceeds its scope of assessment.
Upon request, the KJM also checks whether the age rating determined by a certified self-regulation organisation should be adopted by the supreme state youth organisations.
The KJM's supervisory activities are enshrined in the Interstate Treaty on the Protection of Minors in the Media (JMStV). Its remit covers offerings of private broadcasters as well as offerings in telemedia.
Under its remit, the KJM does not only check for breaches of the provisions of the JMStV. According to the system of "regulated self-regulation", it also recognises organisations of voluntary self-control, makes decisions about applications for exemptions regarding time restrictions and confirms age ratings. It also comments on indexing applications of the Federal Department for the Protection of Children and Young People in the Media (BzKJ) and submits indexing applications of its own to the BzKJ. Where the technical protection of minors is concerned, the KJM assesses technical means as well as age verification systems among other things and determines criteria for assessing the suitability of technical systems for the protection of minors in consultation with the recognised organisations exercising self-control.