Aufsicht: Richterhammer aus Holz, auf einem Tisch liegend.


The KJM's supervisory activities are enshrined in the Interstate Treaty on the Protection of Minors in the Media (JMStV). Its remit covers offerings of private broadcasters as well as offerings in telemedia.

Under its remit, the KJM does not only check for breaches of the provisions of the JMStV. According to the system of "regulated self-regulation", it also recognises organisations of voluntary self-control, makes decisions about applications for exemptions regarding time restrictions and confirms age ratings. It also comments on indexing applications of the Federal Review Board for Media Harmful to Minors (BPjM) and submits indexing applications of its own to the BPjM. Where the technical protection of minors is concerned, the KJM assesses technical means as well as age verification systems among other things and determines criteria for assessing the suitability of technical systems for the protection of minors in consultation with the recognised organisations exercising self-control.

Review Procedures

The review and assessment of broadcasting and telemedia offerings constitute the key tasks of the KJM. Pursuant to the JMStV, it is responsible for the supervision of the private broadcasting and…